Color Area

A color area lets users tweak two channels of an RGB, HSL, or HSB color against a 2D gradient backdrop.


A color area allows users to select a color interactively.


In the terminal, run the following command to begin:
npx hq-kit add color-area


Specify the color channels for the horizontal and vertical axes using the xChannel and yChannel properties.


Define the color space for operation, which must align with the xChannel and yChannel. The default is set based on the color or defaultColor value. Valid types include rgb, hsl, and hsb.


Control the color area by specifying channels for the horizontal (xChannel) and vertical (yChannel) axes.

hsla(0, 100%, 50%, 1)


Disable the color area component. While it's possible to disable the thumb component, it's generally not advisable.

Color Area with Slider

You can use the color area with the slider to control the color.
