Multi Select

Multi select lets you pick more than one option from a list. It's like checking off items on your to-do list just click, click, click, and you're good to go!


The basic multi select component lets you select multiple options from a list. It displays selected options with Tag components.



In the terminal, run the following command to begin:
npx hq-kit add multi-select


By default, the multiple select component uses the primary variant. But it has a secondary variant as well.



This component lets you select tags dynamically, updating the list with callbacks on add and remove. It displays selected tags with Tag components and logs each action.


When the component is disabled, it prevents the user from adding or removing tags.


Here's the fixed table:

labelstring-The label of the tag field
descriptionstring-The description of the tag field
placeholderstring-The placeholder of the tag field
minnumber-The minimum number of tags that can be added
maxnumber-The maximum number of tags that can be added
classNamestring-The class name of the tag field
namestring-The name of the tag field
listListData-The list of tags
onItemInserted(tag: TagItemProps) => void-The callback function when a tag is inserted
onItemCleared(tag: TagItemProps) => void-The callback function when a tag is cleared
isDisabledboolean-The disabled state of the tag field
intentstring'primary''primary', 'secondary'
shapestring'square''square', 'circle'